Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Solutions to the Exercises of Episode 7

1. Currently, Squaak only has grammar rules for integer and string constants, not floating point constants. Implement this grammar rule. A floating-point number consists of zero or more digits, followed by a dot and at least one digit, or, at least one digit followed by a dot and any number of digits. Examples are: 42.0, 1., .0001. There may be no whitespace between the individual digits and the dot. Make sure you understand the difference between a "rule" and a "token".
token float_constant {
| \d+ '.' \d*
| \d* '.' \d+
2. Implement the missing operators: (binary) "-", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", "/", "%", "or"

For sake of completeness (and easy copy-paste for you), here's the list of operator declarations as I wrote them for Squaak:
rule expression is optable { ... }

proto 'infix:or' is precedence('1')
is pasttype('unless') { ... }
proto 'infix:and' is tighter('infix:or')
is pasttype('if') { ... }

proto 'infix:<' is tighter('infix:and') { ... }
proto 'infix:<=' is equiv('infix:<') { ... }
proto 'infix:>' is equiv('infix:<') { ... }
proto 'infix:>=' is equiv('infix:<') { ... }
proto 'infix:==' is equiv('infix:<') { ... }
proto 'infix:!=' is equiv('infix:<') { ... }

proto 'infix:+' is tighter('infix:<')
is pirop('n_add') { ... }
proto 'infix:-' is equiv('infix:+')
is pirop('n_sub') { ... }

proto 'infix:..' is equiv('infix:+')
is pirop('n_concat') { ... }

proto 'infix:*' is tighter('infix:+')
is pirop('n_mul') { ... }
proto 'infix:%' is equiv('infix:*')
is pirop('n_mod') { ... }
proto 'infix:/' is equiv('infix:*')
is pirop('n_div') { ... }

proto 'prefix:not' is tighter('infix:*')
is pirop('n_not') { ... }
proto 'prefix:-' is tighter('prefix:not')
is pirop('n_neg') { ... }

proto 'term:' is tighter('prefix:-')
is parsed(&term) { ... }

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